Endodontic Surgeries

When the infection is persistent even after doing a good root canal treatment and is giving pain and discomfort to the person endodontic surgery has to be done to treat the problem. If we see the statistics only 2 to 5 percent cases actually need surgery but even that number is very high.

Primary Objective of Endodontic surgeries are:
Eliminate the infection from the tooth and periodontium.
Repair of the damages and prevention of further bone loss.
Establishment of an anatomy of the affected surfaces that facilitates proper self performed plaque control.

We do all surgeries under a microscope for precision and better outcome of treatment.


1. Surgical drainage
– Incision and drainage
-Cortical trephination
2. Periradicular surgery
– Curettage
– iopsy
– Root-end resection
– Root-end preparation and filling
– Corrective surgery
A. Perforation repair
– Mechanical (iatrogenic)
– Resorptive (internal and external)
B. Root resection
C. Hemisection
3. Replacement surgery
4. Implant surgery

Patient’s Medical Status

  1. Leukemia
  2. Neutropenia
  3. Uncontrolled Diabetes
  4. Recent Heart surgery
  5. Recent Cardiac surgery
  6. Debilitated patients


  1. Anticoagulant therapy
  2. Radiation
  3. Pregnancy 1st triamster

Anatomic Considerations

  1. Nasal floor
  2. Maxillary sinus
  3. Proximity to neurovascular bundles
  4. Periodontal Considerations
  5. Anatomic limitations to adequate visual and mechanical access to

The surgical site (mandibular 2nd molar)